Rob Davis
Musician, Philanthropist, Philosopher, Entrepreneur
Family, Philanthropy, Friendship, Philosophy, Creative Expression
Singer, Songwriter, Entertainer
Rob has helped raise 6 beautiful children, is the grandfather of 9, great-grandfather of 3 (and counting), brother, uncle, colleague, and friend. He is a singer/songwriter, cabaret performer, athlete, businessman, and philanthropist.
Rob has spent many years studying comparative religion, philosophy, metaphysics, and the science of mind. Some time ago, he began to write stories about people he knew who illustrated certain concepts. Over the years, the collection of tales grew, the concepts evolved and deepened, and “What Goes Around Comes Around—A Guide To How Life REALLY Works” is the result.
Rob is also the Founder and Chairman Emeritus of Help For Children/Hedge Funds Care – – which supports the cause of preventing child abuse and providing clinical treatment to those who have been victimized. HFC has granted more than $62 million since inception and has helped to change the lives of many thousands of children. Read then following NYTimes article for more information about what draws Rob to the cause of saving children from the trauma of abuse.
Testimonials to Rob Davis abound and show why he is uniquely qualified to write “What Goes Around Comes Around – A Guide To How Life REALLY Works.” He has been referred to as motivating, deep, genuine, bold, inspirational, a tremendous example of goodness, a real doozie! 🙂
* From the Board of Directors of “The New York Center For Children” – “We salute your tremendous vision and amazing commitment….Your work is touching the lives of thousands of children and families.”
The blog is the place to find Rob’s thoughts on life, love, joy & heartache – world events, challenges we all face and how it all works. It is where he freely expresses and welcomes you to do so too (with a bias to a tone that is non-judgemental or mean and obvious to be well-intentioned and forward-looking!)
Welcome to my website. My goal for establishing it is to enable me to share all the sides of me I am driven, by some internal mechanism, to express. They say that Gemini’s are two sided, but for this one there seems to be multiple areas I enjoy and love to share. High on the list is music. I love to listen to it, write it, sing it and perform it.
In fact, music is the only one on the list that has its own website, If you click on the music tab on this page it will take you right there. On it are a few videos plus the two albums I’ve recorded. The first is my country rock album Together, with all original songs. The second is Pure LIfe, an album that I can only describe as Electro/R&B/House.
Please check them out on From there you can also learn about my YouTube Station, or just go directly to music. Then if you like it please subscribe. There is no cost to do so and its a way for us to stay in touch.