The Protectors of Grand Central Station UPDATE
Happy New Year to all! Wishing a healthy, happy and safe ’17.
Oh yes and about that last issue of safe, I was impressed this morning by the number of “Protectors” (The Protectors of Grand Central Station) I spotted as I walked through Grand Central this morning. There were the three groups pictured below and another couple of police officers I spotted who moved away before I could get there photo. So, at least 12 that I saw, a significant increase from a normal day. However, what stood out the most about each of the groups was how engaged they were chatting with each other while paying no attention whatsoever to what was happening around them. I did point that out to the troopers. Two of them were actually wanting to discuss it in a productive way but the third shut them down, insisting that they not respond. I blessed them and thanked them for carrying out their mission.
The Protectors of Grand Central Station Update
The Protectors of Grand Central Station Update