Just Genevieve

My wonderful, child Genevieve’s Happy Father’s Day greeting, thoughtful and creative as always and a reminder of a lifetime of happy memories from all five of them. Gen and Vanessa being the creative ones, Courtney the athlete and lawyer, think twice about picking an argument with that one, especially about politics or sports :),

Just Genevieve
Father’s Day Card

Caitlin the super-duper Mom of the year, year after year! What comes with the territory when you bring in five and keep them all growing and moving, even at times smoothly, along their paths. Need a coordinator? Caitlin’s your Gal! Then first-born Nan, always the stalwart one absorbing the challenges and keeping on, keeping on in her good and loving way. It all reminds me of my good fortune on the sometimes crooked but always forward looking road so far!

P.S. Check out Gen at “Just Genevieve” on iTunes or Spotify, and “More Than Just Genevieve” on Patreon.com. Stay cool & stay safe!!!