Who Might Be the Next Archbishop of Canterbury

Well, well! Looks like the Church of England has the same disease as the Catholic Church and the Boy Scouts of America! Namely, the abuse of children! It seems that the current Archbishop named Rev. Justin Welby failed to properly investigate claims of abuse of boys at Christian summer camps, perpetrated by a former evangelical leader named John Smyth.

What is that about Rev Welby? Could it be that you were both in the same boat, so to speak?  The Archbishop is supposedly the spiritual leader of 85 million Anglicans globally and you just decide to pass on the investigation…which is your responsibility? Hmmm?!? Were you feeling guilty yourself, so decided you couldn’t go after someone else perpetrating the same crimes as you?”  That is harsh, but you’ve left yourself open to it by abrogating your duty to investigate John Smyth.

Hopefully you know by now that rules made by humans can be messed with, but not so “Rules of Life,” such as “Karma,” “The Law of Cause & Effect” & today’s version, “What Goes Around Comes Around.”

These laws are immutable, and you are as subject to them as anyone. Unfortunately, now both of you need to be investigated!

The leader of the Anglican Church, the Most Rev. Justin Welby, announced he would resign on Tuesday. Here’s what happens next.


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Kirkus Reviews says:
A stable, nonpreachy, objective voice makes the book stand apart from others in the genre. A successful guide that uses anecdotes of real human experiences to reveal powerful truths about life.

Kirkus Reviews, the gold-standard for independent & accurate reviews, has this to say about

What Goes Around Comes Around:

A successful guide that uses anecdotes to reveal powerful truths about life.  

The stable, positive, non-preachy and objective voice makes the book stand apart from others in the genre.

~ Kirkus Reviews

“The author gives readers not just points or principles to ponder, but real human experiences that demonstrate them!
Kirkus Reviews

“I’ve read a number of books that focus on sharing a similar message, including “The Secret” by Rhonda Byrne, “The Answer” by John Assaraf & Murray Smith, “The Celestine Prophecy” by James Redfield, “Think and Grow Rich,” by Napoleon Hill, and I must say that I find Rob’s to be my favorite. – Sheryl Woodhouse, founder of Livelihood Matters LLC

 Who Might Be the Next Archbishop of Canterbury

Who Might Be the Next Archbishop of Canterbury

U.S. Coast Guard Academy, in New London, Connecticut between 1988 and 2006, including the revelation of leaders who discouraged disclosure. Those cases do not include at least 42 more that have been identified as not having been properly investigated. That is not to mention new Pentagon published statistics showing student-reported assaults at West Point, the Naval Academy and the Air Force Academy.

So after all the accusations and denials, the truth is finally revealed about Bill Cosby’s lifetime of raping young women, who were unfortunate enough to cross his path. The answer as to how he got away with it for so long, lies in his skill of slipping a Methaquolone pill, otherwise known as a Quaalude, into a drink he would give them. It would render them helpless to escape his subsequent sexual assault. Of course, he had also built a persona of America’s Grandpa, that was the ultimate deception.I first heard about quaaludes (‘ludes) in college in the 60’s. Apparently, he did as well! The word was that if you could slip one into a girl’s drink, she would be more compliant than otherwise. The records show that Cosby had multiple prescriptions filled at least throughout the 70’s, then apparently, subsequently found other sources. It became his “MO” and many women his victim. But that game is over now, most likely for the duration of his life! As with most abusers, Cosby felt he had a way to evade the light from shining on what he was up to. He thought he was safe and would never get caught, but If accused, he could claim it was consensual. It is what all abusers think, regardless of the form that abuse takes, and sometimes it can work for a long while. But when the light finally does shine and reveals the truth, the rule is that the longer the perpetrator got away with their nasty deceptions, the deeper the hole they will have dug for themselves. Epstein escaped via suicide. I think they’ll be keeping a close eye on Bill!